शक्ति बाह्य,अधिकार से परे - adhikar se pare,shakti bahya,adhikar se pare meaning in hindi

अँग्रेज़ी अर्थ उदाहरण
Suggested :
खोजी ढंग से searchingly
`Are you really happy with him, asked her mother, gazing at Vera searchingly
किफायती economic
Poverty in Pakistan, is a major economic issue.
अविलष्ट implicit
The dramatic conclusion of the story is implicit throughout the novel.
एप्सिलोन epsilon
In the summer of 1986, Ken Ribet succeeded in proving the epsilon conjecture.
उरेहनापु pen
This is a list of cities which are "cultural pen pals" of Cologne
adhikar se pare,shakti bahya,adhikar se pare अक्षरों की संख्या: 25 स्वर व्यंजन मात्रासहित । Transliterate in english : shakti baahya,adhikaara se pare
Related spellings : shakti baahya,adhikaar se pare,shakti bahya,adhikar se pare

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